If you have ordered a package through FedEx and only part of your order has been delivered, you may be wondering how to track the rest of your items. Here are some steps you can take to track your FedEx order when the full order is not delivered:
1. Check Your Tracking Number: The first step is to locate your tracking number, which can usually be found in the confirmation email you received when you placed your order. If you can't find the email, you can also check the order details on the website where you made the purchase.
2. Visit the FedEx Website: Once you have your tracking number, visit the FedEx website and enter the tracking number in the designated field. This will provide you with the most up-to-date information on the status of your package.
3. Contact Customer Support: If you are unable to track your package online or if you have any concerns about the delivery of your order, don't hesitate to contact FedEx customer support. They will be able to assist you in tracking your package and provide you with any necessary updates.
4. Check with the Sender: If the sender of the package has provided you with a separate tracking number for the remaining items, be sure to check that tracking number as well to monitor the delivery status.
By following these steps, you can stay informed about the whereabouts of your package and take the necessary steps to ensure that the full order is delivered to you in a timely manner.